Crimes - Deep Swamp Takedown Home » Video Playlists » Crimes - Deep Swamp Takedown 217 videos found 47:45 01-02-21 Thanks Josh + Congressmen! And all the “Fools for Christ” 51:00 01-03-20 Free Iran – Solemani is Dead! Ameri-Obama, Hong Kong, NK White Rabbit, Beth Moore Nationalism, Jasher 54 53:49 01-03-24 WHAT REALLY HAPPENED TO EPSTEIN? PLUS VOTING TRIALS, NIKKI DQ, PS 18 16:10 01-04-22 Trump’s Genius Plan – Devolution 15 – Warpspeed Timeline Full video here 46:29 01-04-23 NFL Silenced over Hamlin, Twitterfiles Bellybutton, Schiff #DiedSuddenly 24:43 01-06-22 CCP Genocide Olympics – Bannon Boycott These CCP Shills! 1:04:13 01-08-21 DC RALLY 1-6-21 Remember This Day! Emergency Alert; Police Escort Thugs; Where’s Your Faith? 53:21 01-08-23 MAGA RULES, CHURCH COMMITTEE, SPEAKER TRUMP, FALL OF THE CABAL -JERICHO 25:10 01-09-21 Come See our Brand New Republic! On Rumble 01-10-19 James 43:21 01-11-21 See You At Alamo. Cross the Line! 51:22 01-12-21 Never Surrender! Wednesday Jan 13 Checkmate? 46:24 01-12-22 Expose Fauci Project Veritas Gain of Function Bombshell 56:31 01-15-21 Checkmate Inauguration – When Does a Bird Sing? 01-16-19 Trump Dismantling Deepstate – World Bank – Hamberder 01-16-20 Truth about Putin – Russian Government Resigns! 35:24 01-18-18 Isaiah 32 King 1:09:52 01-19-21 Calm Before the Storm 29:10 01-21-21 Military – the Only Way 44:35 01-23-21 Done in 30! Flights? USSS? 36:19 01-24-23 Trump says “Rot in Hell”, DOJ deal with Biden, Damar, Babylon Falling 42:30 01-25-23 McCarthy Mad! Hunter Top Secret Email, FBI Treason! David and Goliath 1:10:18 01-27-21 Clues to Save America! 45:33 01-27-22 Soros Stole Ukraine? NABU – Patriots Poisoned – Charlie Ward 1:12:23 01-28-24 Melly Live on Trump Rally & Truckers to the Rescue! 1:10:19 01-29-21 Gamestop Leads to GESARA GOLD! DOD 11.4 01-31-19 Freeing Venezuela, Trump Sun Tzu War, Bible in Schools & Psalm 2 01-31-20 Ukraine-Gate Biden, and C_A Leakers Exposed, Break Every Chain! 51:20 01-31-24 Did President Trump Give us a Clue? JUSTICE 326? Ark at Maralago, Alzheimers 02-01-22 Fringe Movement – Truckers Unite & Cabal Panicking 1:14:51 02-04-24 TRUMP MILITARY OP! MELLY LIVESTREAM 02-05-19 Armor of God to fight Diabolical Forces 1:00:59 02-05-23 Sky Event! Trump Freaked out Zelenskyy, Pineal Gland, Biblical! 49:52 02-06-21 The Art of War – Clues for 2/9/21 “Ha” No Plan 43:47 02-06-22 Trump Kills Shills – Elon, Rogan, Klaus, GoFundMe Zechariah 11:47 02-07-21 What Happened on Freedom Day 2-1-21? 50:34 02-07-23 Anti-Vaxers Were Right Scam?! Truth re Spy Balloons & Turkey Disaster 59:42 02-07-24 Trump’s Posse! Tucker & Putin Panic, Fatal Wound Healed 49:48 02-08-22 TYRANTS ARE CAVING! UPDATE ON TRUCKERS. HELP VACCINE INJURED, ISAIAH 65 53:14 02-09-20 Trust Yourself 02-15-20 Revelation 16 WINNING! Smollett, Avenatti, Flynn, Stone; Putin Speaks, Scarlet Beast 1:38:31 02-16-22 HILLARY’S SPYORDERS FOR RUSSIAGATE 27:35 02-20-24 What Happened to Trump’s Net Worth? Assange Message, Isaiah 2 44:17 02-21-21 Prepare for the Storm – Assets are in Place 46:38 02-23-22 TRUTH SOCIAL KILLS TWITTER, RITTENHOUSE, UKRAINE CELEBRATES 1:19:40 02-24-21 FED STRUCTURE CHANGE COMING – PREPARE – MASSES TEND TO PANIC 49:23 02-26-21 DID WHITE HATS CRASH THE FED? 53:38 02-28-21 WATCH THE WATER – TIDE IS TURNING – CNN CUOMO CPAC CALM BEFORE THE STORM 36:02 03-02-21 Deep State’s GLITCH – CCP Hack Attack TX-Size STORM 47:43 03-02-22 NWO Admits They Won’t Survive- US Admits Coup 50:16 03-06-24 End of the Old Guard- Trump Champion Super Tuesday – Bible Summary 57:50 03-07-21 FED SIGNAL CRASH? PATRIOTS IN CONTROL. IN 1 HOUR THEIR RICHES DESTROYED 1:04:13 03-09-21 MILITARY OCCUPATION 11.3 – YOU’LL LOVE 11.11 – NEW GOVERNMENT! ACT OF 1871 REVERSED! 1:00:42 03-13-22 Trump Comms – Chyna Ukraine? Breaching from the Mafia- Micah 7 43:36 03-14-21 MUST SEE TRUTH! White hats will not allow Satanic Evil POS (CCP) to Control Our Country 38:27 03-15-20 Prayers for Battle from Psalms 48:05 03-16-21 END IS NEAR – SUBMISSION (OF CABAL) COMPLETE 41:00 03-20-21 RICHARD GRENELL POTUS OF MILITARY OCCUPATION 11.11 ARRESTS-DC WALL COMING DOWN! HAPPY SPRING 45:09 03-21-21 IS THE WAR OVER? DC FENCING DOWN, MILITARY OCCUPATION OVER, BLUE SKIES BIBLICAL 59:09 03-23-20 Covid Lockdowns Cover for DS Takedown, Isaiah 26, War Castles Sovereignty 1:45:13 03-24-24 Truth about Moscow, ISIS, Putin, C!A, Fed, Purim 1:01:24 03-29-20 Taurus Sign 4/3/20 Triumphal Entry, Habeas Corpus, Martial Law 1:02:59 04-03-22 Trump Michigan Comms – What is 11:11? 2 Witnesses? 04-04-20 Glory Hallelujah! Children Rescued – Covid Hospital Ship, Vatican $ Seized, Jeremiah 51 49:48 04-06-21 Plus Plus Plus +++ April Showers Q Trump Comms 1:06:47 04-06-24 Military Plan, Eclipse, Hi Ho Silver! 04-13-21 Comms from Scavino & Pompeo – April Shower, Checkmate, Military Intel, Green Light, Harvest 30:38 04-15-21 #EXPOSE CNN VERITAS! VATICAN $200M MONEY-CHANGERS, J&J VACCINE COMMS 52:57 04-18-21 CIRCLE Q BY LIN WOOD, WRAYS OF LIGHT! 11.3 MILITARY OCCUPATION, SOUND OF FREEDOM 46:28 04-19-23 TRUMP CHECKMATE! KING OF HEARTS – BIDEN ADMIN HOTSEAT REV 11 54:13 04-20-20 Flynn on Saving America-Bards of War, Elijah Destroys Satanists Baal Worshipers 15:31 04-20-21 MILITARY OCCUPATION 11.3 – Are we the Occupying Force or the Territorial Force? 04-22-20 Plague of Corruption – Plandemic – Doctor Mickovitz 47:27 04-26-23 HERE I STAND! TRUTH ABOUT TUCKER, SUDAN, TRIBULATION 47:19 04-27-22 Elon Musk Causing Panic! The Twitter Algorithm Open Source, 47:12 04-28-21 WHY IS PRESIDENT TRUMP PROMOTING THE SHOT? 37:59 04-29-22 Covfefe! 666, 2000Mules, Zechariah 9 Prisoners Free! 57:22 04-30-20 Trumpets-1/3 (33) Destroyed, UN=Little Horn Daniel 7, Venus in Taurus 30:12 05-03-22 ROE V WADE OVERTURNED! ZECHARIAH 9 56:33 05-18-22 Cabal Takedown – Charlie Ward and Melly, Angel Bowl 6 Decoded Rev 16 38:27 05-21-21 JFK Jr – The Truth Might Shock You – Pray – Wrestling with God 53:37 05-22-22 Hillary got Mooked! Elon Torching DS! Enemy has little time Revelation 12 55:24 05-23-21 CABAL EXPOSED! PENTECOST ELECTION FRAUD, WUHAN, CDC-WHO-FAUCI, 5 EYES SPYING, BANKRUPT BANKS 46:41 05-24-23 7 Proofs Patriots are WINNING! 05-25-20 CIA tries to CYA, Children of CORN, Starlink, Trump Military Speech 33:37 05-25-21 Waterfall of Proofs! BLOOD MOON 11:11! Facebook, Fauci Gain of Function, No Masks! 05-29-19 Bad Day for Traitors – Coats-Pelosi-Strzok, Psalm 144 42:33 05-31-21 REPOST – IMPORTANT – [P] Families – Holy See 1:25:50 06-02-24 Trump Military Operation, Precedent Set, Patriot Felons – Sunday 11AM CST 06-03-19 Duerte kicked Soros out of Philippines, Salvini, Putin Patriots! 06-03-19 Joe Biden China Corruption 1:03:19 06-04-23 Truth about 70×7 RETRIBUTION – Blackrock Fink, Luft, Azov Nazi, 70 weeks 43:37 06-06-21 CLUES FROM TRUMP NC GOP SPEECH +++ GESARA D-DAY 48:45 06-07-23 Patriots Coming in Hot! Trump destroy Pharma, Tucker 60M, Hold the Floor, Angel in Sun 55:02 06-11-24 Truth about Nancy & Hunter- Plane Crash & Gaza Protesters – 7th Bowl 43:16 06-13-21 SHOT HEARD ROUND THE WORLD – ROGERS THREATENS AG GARLAND W/ PRISON! TRUMP PROMOTES VAXX? 46:51 06-14-23 The Seal is Broken! Think Indictments! 5:5 Handwriting on Wall 1:10:02 06-16-22 Q News – and God’s Executioners. Charlie & Melissa 36:14 06-18-18 Truth-Sealed Indictments, Seized Assets, Resignations, Awan 6-18 47:33 06-19-19 City of London Cabal Headquarters, Queen Removed, Redeemed into Kingdom of Christ, Ebenezer 123»Page 1 of 3