1,189 videos found 10:41 06-02-23 What is the Great Awakening? Is THIS it? 1:25:50 06-02-24 Trump Military Operation, Precedent Set, Patriot Felons – Sunday 11AM CST 06-03-19 Duerte kicked Soros out of Philippines, Salvini, Putin Patriots! 06-03-19 Joe Biden China Corruption 29:29 06-03-24 Can GatesJab be Removed? plus Autism, Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar 06-04-20 10 Days. Darkness MSM Scare Tactics Acts 1:11 34:54 06-04-21 BOOM WEEK FAUCIEMAILS WUHAN LAB, ELECTION AUDIT, ABSOLUTELY 9-0 144,000 1:03:19 06-04-23 Truth about 70×7 RETRIBUTION – Blackrock Fink, Luft, Azov Nazi, 70 weeks 45:57 06-04-24 What is the 45 Uprising? Trump 06-05-18 Isaiah 61 – The Lord will Break Every Chain- Set Captives FREE! 11:08 06-05-24 URGENT! HELP!!! Thanks! Melly 06-06-19 6000 Troops to Border, Weak Church-Platt Potus Prayer, Revelation 19, John 15 06-06-20 Hecklers & Subpeonas – Can’t Walk The Streets! 43:37 06-06-21 CLUES FROM TRUMP NC GOP SPEECH +++ GESARA D-DAY 17:29 06-07-20 Rapture – Were We Misled? 1:05:14 06-07-21 D DAY 6/7, 11.11 DOD Arrests, GESARA, Trump is Our President! Nick Veniamin 48:45 06-07-23 Patriots Coming in Hot! Trump destroy Pharma, Tucker 60M, Hold the Floor, Angel in Sun 06-08-18 Daniel 5 – Belshazzar – Handwriting on the Wall 06-08-18 Free Speech 501C3 06-09-20 Anti-Family – Antifa 1:10:41 06-09-21 Is Gesara in the Bible? Delora & Melly 1:12:52 06-09-24 Vengeance Takes Time! Celebrities Awake! Life Extension 06-10-18 Welcome Patriots 14:24 06-10-21 MUST SEE ISAIAH 60! THE “KINGS”/NWO WILL BE LED AS CAPTIVES IN A VICTORY PROCESSION! 6-10-21 REPOST 29:49 06-10-21 Patriots are SUING the NWO for Crimes Against Humanity! 08:07 06-10-21 Solar Eclipse & Blood Moon Eclipse! 1:04:35 06-10-22 CLUES FROM MILITARY OPERATION LEADER- CHRIS MILLER, JAN 6 CAPITOL PUNISHMENT, MICAH 06-11-20 Declassification 06-11-21 CDs Success Stories & Answers to your Questions 1:06:58 06-11-23 Trump Clues GA & NC- Destroy Old Guard, Impeach? MIL Activate Joel 2 55:02 06-11-24 Truth about Nancy & Hunter- Plane Crash & Gaza Protesters – 7th Bowl 06-12-19 The Silent Ones – Operation Charlemagne – Usurpers Masons Isaiah 42 38:58 06-12-22 TRUTH ABOUT WAR WITH CHINA-TAIWAN, PATRIOT FRONT, INDICT TRUMP, CARTELS, 4 HORSEMEN 32:01 06-12-24 30 Minutes to Save the World! TrueTheVote.org 06-13-20 Masonic Kneel? Seized Assets, Assassination Plot, JFK 43:16 06-13-21 SHOT HEARD ROUND THE WORLD – ROGERS THREATENS AG GARLAND W/ PRISON! TRUMP PROMOTES VAXX? 32:16 06-13-23 PANDORA’S BOX – TRUMP ARREST AND IMPEACHMENT TRIGGER MILITARY? DANIEL 9 06-14-20 Biblical Times Hare 23:39 06-14-22 PLOT TO INDICT PRESIDENT TRUMP! SUICIDE WEEKEND 7-16-21? PLUNDER THE GOLD! 46:51 06-14-23 The Seal is Broken! Think Indictments! 5:5 Handwriting on Wall 4:11:01 06-14-24 Happy Flag Day!!! Special Event by Stern American 50:18 06-15-22 CORONERS FOUND THIS! RED FLAG LAWS! DANIEL 8 RESCUE 06-16-20 Treason Scientists, Last Boom Magical, First Fruits – Rule & Reign with Him 06-16-20 Trump Birthday, Trump to England, Q Post – Potus is our Savior. 1:10:02 06-16-22 Q News – and God’s Executioners. Charlie & Melissa 1:19:47 06-16-24 Trump Clues from TPUSA! 06-18-18 Know The Truth 36:14 06-18-18 Truth-Sealed Indictments, Seized Assets, Resignations, Awan 6-18 06-18-20 Antifa & BLM NWO Chaos Failed – God Wins! Isaiah 30 1:18:50 06-18-23 Durham for Dummies #3 – Dolan Exposed! Millian and Galkina 45:37 06-18-24 Will they JAIL TRUMP? 17 & Red October 06-19-19 City of London Cabal Headquarters, Queen Removed, Redeemed into Kingdom of Christ, Ebenezer 06-19-20 JUNETEENTH = FREEDOM – JUBILEE = GESARA! 42:22 06-19-22 GESARA IS BIBLICAL! TRUMP SPEECH, CORNYN BOOED, RAINBOW, MAGOG 46:47 06-19-23 Durham for Dummies #4 -Alfa Bank, Yota, Prosecute FBI 15:56 06-20-20 SDNY Hammer – 17 Posts re SDNY & Justice, Taurus Sign/Venus Zigzag 06-21-18 Shepherd 06-21-20 Gesara Clues from Melania? No more IRS? Wars? Debt? 06-21-20 Watch the Water! Pence exposed by Gunner’s Wife 46:45 06-21-21 FLYNN’S SHOUTOUT TO THE FFB! TAMPA CLAY CLARK CONVENTION 10:41 06-21-22 WHAT DID THE CABAL DO IN 1937 TO DESTROY US? PRESIDENT TRUMP REVERSED! 46:47 06-21-23 Trump Clue, Hunter Flipped, JFK vs Hotez? 06-22-18 Revelation 16 47:17 06-22-22 ARE PATRIOTS IN CONTROL? 711.11 Q COINCIDENCES – GUN CONTROL – HOSEA 26:02 06-22-23 Pyramid Info They Hid From Us! 06-23-20 Shotgun 59:34 06-23-24 Is Life Extension in the Bible? Trump? Gesara! 06-24-20 Miracle Man 06-24-20 Take the Oath 32:20 06-24-22 Roe Overturned! Elijah 13:35 06-24-23 President Trump Knew they were Slowly Destroying, but No More! 27:27 06-25-21 McAfee Didn’t Kill Himself! 42:40 06-25-23 Trump Clues Faith & Freedom! Wagner $6.2 Billion, Biden Text 1:02:48 06-25-24 Trump’s 3 Victories, Plus Adrenochrome & AntiChrist 06-26-19 Mystery of Iniquity – Masonic Secret Society 06-26-19 Mystery of Lawlessness – 2 Thessalonians 2 06-26-20 Federal Reserve Defeated! Podesta Rockefeller, Ole & Charles Gesara Talk 50:12 06-26-22 Trump Rally Illinois – 17 Posts! – More Clarence Thomas SC Rulings – Obadiah 06-27-18 Micah Read the Bible 1:04:57 06-27-21 TRUMP’S BIG ANNOUNCEMENT – PLUS HOW TO SPOT FALSE PROPHETS & BIBLE BOOKS 59:58 06-27-22 SCOTT MCKAY & MELISSA REDPILL – STARS IN ALIGNMENT – PREPARE FOR STORM – TRUMP LAWSUIT 22:15 06-27-23 THE FFB SAVED A LIFE! HAVE TISSUES READY 26:51 06-27-23 The Truth about the Russian Coup 06-28-20 Transition to Greatness Part 2 – Venus thru Taurus’ Eyes 32:44 06-28-21 Clay Clark & Melissa Redpill- This is Biblical! 48:23 06-28-23 TRUMP TAPES! HUNTER ADMITS GUILT, SEQUOIA, PSALM 18 06-29-18 Daniel 8 & 9 The Great Deception? Tribulation? Rapture? 06-29-19 Ready 34:36 06-29-19 Ready – Trump’s Lineage of Judah, Right To Try, Matthew 12 06-29-20 What does 17 mean by Blackout? 41:58 06-29-21 BYE BIG TECH & FACEBOOK FEED! FALLEN FROM GRACE? (GALATIANS 3) 48:29 06-29-22 New Q – Surprise! Define Plant, Chandler, Sheriffs, Russian Mob 06-30-20 This is Biblical – posted 15 times! 1:30:55 06-30-21 FOR SPANISH SPEAKERS!! Q&A END TIMES “FIN DE LOS TIEMPOS” SPANISH & ENGLISH 59:38 06-30-22 Supreme Court Breaking Deep State – FDA, Follow Stars, Haggai 2 09:17 06-30-22 Supreme Court Slaps Down EPA – End of Deep State! 1:04:47 06-30-22 What is Really Behind the CCP Takeover of America? 48:09 06-30-24 3 HOT FAQS – Bible Altered? Rapture? Gog & Magog? 23:32 07-02-18 Tribulation 7 years? Anti-Christ Treaty? Daniel 9:27 Prophecy 45:02 07-02-21 GETTR! WHO Death Penalty! Georgia Taken Over! 666 Mark of the Beast «1…45678…12»Page 6 of 12