Great Awakening - Gesara Nesara Jubilee Home » Video Playlists » Great Awakening - Gesara Nesara Jubilee 44 videos found 50:36 01-10-24 Trump vs Bankers – Currency Armageddon, Tunnels & Fani 38:25 01-23-19 Freedom Day! Gesara Explained. Obadiah 1- Cabal Destroyed 1:03:14 01-23-19 Super Jubilee – All Debts Paid JFK Jr 1:16:04 02-03-21 Rigged for Reds 37:35 02-04-22 Is this GESARA? Truth Social, MSM Pushback, China Act of War 55:05 03-08-22 GESARA – DESTROYING BANKS & BIOLABS – ZELENSKY PUTIN TRUMP – BIBLICAL! 03-19-20 Hello Gesara-Goodbye Covid Cabal! Lev 25, Atonement, Scapegoat Isaiah 61 47:46 03-22-23 Xi & Putin Destroy Fed with BRICS- Trump Arrest – 4 Horsemen 59:13 03-25-22 Charlie & Melissa – World Currency Reset – Laptop, Election Bombshell 49:06 04-02-21 IS 2021 JUBILEE? NESARA GESARA? BIBLICAL DANIEL 9 PROPHECY DECODED 45:27 04-05-23 Happening! How Gold-backed Currency is Destroying the Federal Reserve – Daniel 2 04-12-20 Nesara & Emmaus Revealing 1:02:24 04-13-20 Act of 1871, Nesara Gesara Jubilee 04-18-20 GOLD – Wealth Stored Up for Righteous – Part 1 04-19-20 Gold in Underground Vaults – Corn Harvest – Update 42:06 04-19-22 Elon Musk’s Twitter Ace Card! @Jack With White Hats? Gesara Proof Omer Calendar 1:04:29 04-21-22 GESARA vs RESET Trump vs Piers Disney Canceled! Nahum 31:12 05-05-24 Why did JP Morgan Buy 3 Tons of Gold?? WW Gold War 1:10:26 05-15-20 Transition to Greatness-USA Inc, End Petrodollar & Commonwealth, OFAC $ Seizures, Isaiah 45 1:09:06 05-23-20 JUBILEE Explained – Counting the Omer – 7 Weeks to Pentecost 05-31-20 Arrests for Jubilee? Antifa Riots, George Floyd, No Wars, Clean & Swift 43:37 06-06-21 CLUES FROM TRUMP NC GOP SPEECH +++ GESARA D-DAY 1:05:14 06-07-21 D DAY 6/7, 11.11 DOD Arrests, GESARA, Trump is Our President! Nick Veniamin 06-19-20 JUNETEENTH = FREEDOM – JUBILEE = GESARA! 06-21-20 Gesara Clues from Melania? No more IRS? Wars? Debt? 38:25 07-04-19 Freedom Day – Gesara Nesara US Corporation 1:06:41 07-09-23 Trump Blizzard! Nesara Gold-back Currency, Nato Ukraine, Babel 07-19-20 End Cabal, End the CCP, End the Fed 07-26-20 Bankrupt the Banks! Defense Production Act, Big Short, Wexner, Ehud, Epstein 38:06 07-26-22 Truth about Putin Destroying SWIFT Banks, Purge, FBI Lied 08-09-20 TRUMPSARA – Gesara, Stop Taxes, Hydroxy-good, Sin of Cain 48:21 08-09-23 650 Planes of Gold! 11-3 Law of War, MI Voter Reg Scandal, Eminem 38:48 08-19-21 Does this Signal Gesara? And the Fall of the Cabal? Fall Festivals 58:24 08-20-19 How will the Reset/Jubilee Happen? + Right to Try 08-27-20 Reset – End the End Times Confusion- Atonement 9/28 46:58 09-01-20 XRP Backed by Gold Bond? Swift Banking is History! 22:19 09-02-21 Taliban has GOLD! GESARA! Feast of Trump Timeline! 53:03 09-22-20 Reset QFS – Quantum Financial System-Asset-backed Digital Currency-Instant Settlement 1:04:35 09-24-23 Shutdown! 10 Days + Darkness Debts Canceled, Days Short, Rev 12 09-28-20 Reset – Gesara Clues 43:56 09-30-21 Deep State Crushed- Day of Unbridled Joy – Simchat Torah 22:52 10-06-20 Trump Weli – Playing German Card Game vs Deepstate, Gesara, Swift 01:59 11-11-18 Swift Banking Explained 12-31-18 Emancipation – Setting the World Free – Gesara!