08-25-18 Expose Them Part 1 – Truth Ready to be Revealed – God’s Promise 2 Thess 1: “We are called to fight and suffer for His name” 1 Peter 1: “The Truth Ready to Be Revealed at the End Time” 1 Cor. 4 “Do not judge before the time” 2 Peter 1 “Pay close attention – for their words are like a lamp shining in a dark place, until the Day Dawns” Ephesians 5 “Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.” Colossians 2 “He will disarm the rulers and authorities” Revelation 20 – “We will rule and reign with Him” Bible - This is BIBLICAL! 55 views You may also like 11-13-19 Kanye West, Jesus & The Woman Caught in Adultery, Dolly Parton Angel of Light? 11-05-19 Read The Transcript 1:00:13 11-02-19 Esau NWO vs Jacob from the Book of Jasher 10-31-19 Saving Israel for Last 10-28-19 You are Gods 10-21-19 Melissa’s Story 10-11-19 Snow 09-25-19 Prayers for Battle from the Psalms, Muslims awaiting Mahdi Deliverer 09-21-19 JFK Comms? 11:11 Verizon Comms? Isaiah 66 Birth Pangs 09-13-19 Wake Up «1…45678…10»Page 6 of 10