LET’S SEND THIS TO OUR CONGRESSMAN on Twitter, Facebook, & Email! “I am disappointed you are not standing with President Trump to remove the 230 protection of Big Tech from the NDAA. We must have Freedom of speech and this bill silences us!! And you are not standing with Mo Brooks to get to the bottom of the election either! We are awake… And we are watching. We trust President Trump is fighting for us… Support HIM NOW!”
DNI Ratcliffe Confirmation of Election Interference – Chiiiiilala, Russia, & Iran
Army Navy military roars as President Trump enters the stadium!
Bookmark this page! IMPORTANT NEWS https://www.kraken-wood.com/
ZeroHedge story on Supreme Court accepting Texas’ Case https://www.zerohedge.com/political/texas-sues-georgia-michigan-pennsylvania-and-wisconsin-supreme-court-over-election
Threat by Cynthia Johnson https://twitter.com/search?q=cynthia%20johnson&src=typed_query
Sid – “Fly’s Dig Soldiers”
Winners! Claim your Christmas Present! https://twitter.com/1000YearsOPeace/status/1334579404639522824
Another FREEDOM FORCE Group Fighting Back! https://twitter.com/lawofone_/status/1334937820138512384?s=12
Link to Neural Therapy information https://freedomforce.live/the-millennial-kingdom-of-health/ and Prescribing Life website https://www.prescribinglife.com/#home-pl
Help fund Sidney Powell – https://defendingtherepublic.org/
Link to General’s Interview https://parler.com/post/2ec8eb7d27f04a9586b2e303d2e8bd4b
Link to Thumb Drive Cheating https://parler.com/post/4dfe6e6097334e61a702e40324d894f0