Hey there Patriots! I am Melissa Redpill The World! I’m so glad you’re here!
We are on a mission from the LORD… to expose the NWO criminal mafia that has caused unspeakable suffering worldwide, and to share the Great News that what humanity is experiencing is Literally BIBLICAL!
If you want to know the wonderful truth about End Times, you’ve come to the right place!
Make sure to join us on our social media!
Melissa Redpill
Just before President Trump was elected in 2016, I discovered the Podesta and Clinton Wikileaks and the “Insurance Laptop,” and I realized that our government and institutions have been run by a worldwide mafia crime ring. When I found out about their satanic Baal rituals, I knew what we were experiencing was somehow the fulfillment of End Times prophecy.
I was compelled to research the Biblical book of the Revelation. I had discovered truth about countless topics, but none of the Revelation information I found rang true. At that time I had been leading Bible studies for 35 years, had been a full-time missionary for 10 years, and I had recorded 900 Scripture Songs. So with that knowledge base, I did a deep dive into End Times prophecy. I am very happy to say that the LORD helped me put the End Times puzzle pieces together.
What did I discover? Buckle up!
- This worldwide criminal mafia New World Order IS the Beast of Revelation AntiChrist!
- We are currently fighting the literal Battle of Armageddon.
- We will soon enjoy 1,000 years of peace on earth… the Golden Age!
As I received clarity on End Times teaching, I compiled everything I discovered in the now bestseller, “End Times and 1000 Years of Peace.” It is available in English, Spanish, and German, as well as in the audio version. I have also written “End Times – Major Clues from Minor Prophets” which explains how the prophets told us about this Great Day – the Great Awakening, and the Millennial Kingdom of Christ on earth! I also wrote “End Times – This is Biblical!” which shows how humanity is symbolically living out the historic Bible stories we all know and love. Those Bible stories are a roadmap for us! Who knew?!
I recently released the “End Times and 1000 Years of Peace Study Guide” and “End Times and 1000 Years of Peace Teacher Guide” which we are using in our small group Bible studies. More information on this is at FreedomForce.LIVE/EndTimes .
To help fight this epic battle of good versus evil, my first mission in 2017 was to moderate the CBTS Reddit board. After that board was banned, in Spring 2018 I began post videos about End Times and the Deep State’s crimes on the Freedom Force Battalion YouTube site, gaining millions of views. After being banned from YouTube and Twitter in October 2020 for exposing the truth, I posted all my videos since 2018 on FreedomForce.LIVE. I also began posting videos on Rumble and Bitchute, where we have ~500,000 views per month. I post truth daily on our social media accounts where we work together to expose and bring down the NWO criminal AntiChrist.
Our goal is to defeat the NWO cabal and to help everyone understand that End Times is about THE END TIMES FOR THE CRIMINAL MAFIA CABAL! Righteous humanity is headed for 1,000 years of peace on earth in the Golden Age! Just like our LORD Jesus taught us to pray, “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done ON EARTH, as it is in Heaven.”
I hope you enjoy our catalog of videos, the amazing health links we have discovered along the way, and that you come join our wonderful Patriots in the Freedom Force Battalion on social media and our live videos! See you there!
Melissa Redpill