Posted on December 5, 2021December 5, 2021 by RedpillTheWorldCLINTON EPSTEIN BLACKMAIL NAHUM 12-5-21 and Rumble “Chasing Ghislaine” on Bitchute A beautiful night at the Lincoln Memorial interrupted by demonstrators chanting “reclaim America.“ The crowd gave them the finger and exchanged profanities.— Andrea McCarren (@AndreaMcCarren) December 4, 2021 FBI Fake Patriots – 12-4-21 “Patriots Front” One of my buddies showed me how vile Snapchat is… and our youth are on there seeing all of it every day! She pleaded with me to post some videos there so kids would get more positive faith-filled messages. So I gave it a try. Please make and account and join me there… Let’s counter-act the darkness with light in every place! Thanks Patriots!! to Nahum here Post Views: 1,599