09-28-18 Tabernacles 6 Psalms 118, CIA, Mystery Box, The Three Harvests, Give Thanks, God Rules, Trust, Mercy
09-27-18 Tabernacles 5 Psalms. 117, Praise the Lord, Rising Up, Ark of the Covenant, Inherit the Earth
09-23-18 Tabernacles Festival Day 1 Psalms 113, Rosh Shanah, Habakkuk , Yom Kipper, Rise Up, Harvest, Tabernacle, Tents, Awaken the Dawn.org
09-20-18 Mark of the Beast Q – Don’t let the “Mark of the Beast” 666 Freak You Out! Fake News! God Indicts & Judges Them
09-17-18 Atonement – Yom Kippur – Scriptures about The Great Day Blood of Christ, A New Covenant, Glorious days
09-14-18 Warfare Everything is a Rich Man’s Switch, To Kill a Mocking bird, Cabal dismantled, Discernment, Armor of God, Terror