10-18-18 JFK Mark Prayer, Mark of the beast, Revelation 12, Deuteronomy 6:8, John 14:19, Matthew 16:25-27 Baptism, Michelle Obama/ JFK Jr
10-17-18 JFK Jr, FBI refuses to deliver Woods files, Chinese Spy extradited, Zechariah 8 Millennial Kingdom Woods file, Jesus Saves Us, Judges, Star signs, arrests, Truth
10-08-18 Supreme Court Restoring what has been Stolen, Ages of time, FED, Ole Dammegard, Faults Flags, Isaiah 49, Isaiah 74: 22-23
10-07-18 Matthew 24 – Sign of Christ’s Return The Disciples asked Jesus 3 questions: “Tell us, when will all this happen? What will signal your return? And the End of […]
10-07-18 Great Pyramid-Matthew 24-End Times; Unpardonable Sin Dreams,, I John 15, Matthew 24-25, Unpardonable Sin
10-04-18 Great Awakening – Aquarius Pouring out God’s Blessings; JFK Jr. Emergency Powers, CIA, New Mexico Governor, MSM Payoffs, Colossians 1:9, Bible Astronomy, Revelation 4