“End Times – This is Biblical!” Audiobook

$7.50 Excluding Sales Tax

“End Times – This is Biblical!” read by Melissa Redpill The World.




(INSTRUCTIONS: When you order, the Audiobook links will be sent to your email… look in your SPAM or JUNK folder.  To download all the chapters to a laptop folder quickly, click the  ZIP file at the bottom of the email.  After the download is finished you can copy/paste the files to a Flash/USB drive to listen in your car or anywhere!)   🙂

For most of my life I have been telling Bible stories to children. I’ve told the historical accounts of God’s people and the miracles the LORD worked time and time again. I love God’s Word. I love each and every historical account. I could tell them all day long and in my sleep! They are the most riveting and inspiring stories ever…and most importantly they are the foundation of our confidence of the LORD’S sovereignty, His great power, and His great love for humanity.

I just never imagined that I would see these very Bible stories that I’ve been retelling all my life, playing out before my very eyes. When I first realized we were experiencing the Book of Revelation, I began to ask the LORD to help me understand and unravel the knots of lies we had been told about End Times. We had been misled and frightened to pieces so that many believers are hiding under the bed and have their bags packed to escape earth. Obviously that’s exactly where the mafia cabal criminal Deep State Beast in Revelation wants believers to be, instead of in the fight exposing their crimes. But I am here to tell you this is the End Times for them and 1,000 years of peace on earth for humanity!

So get out from under the bed and let’s join the fight. This book is not specifically about Revelation or End Times. If you want the true decode of Revelation, check out my Bestseller, “End Times and 1000 Years of Peace.” You can also check out my other Bestseller, “End Times – Major Clues from Minor Prophets” to see how the LORD promised through the Minor Prophets that this day would come, when humanity would wake up and cast out these evil-doers. And the Minor Prophets told us about our great victory just up ahead!

But this book has been on my heart to write since I woke up just before President Trump was elected…the first time. I have been telling these stories for so long, and now I get to tell how they are being fulfilled in our day! We as humanity are living out and experiencing them all. How cool for the LORD to create this amazing Biblical road map for us!

You will love it!

Remember Moses leading the people out of Egypt and parting the Red Sea so they Israelites could escape Pharoah and the Egyptian army?

Remember young David killing Goliath?

Remember Daniel in the lions’ den?

And Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace?

Remember how the LORD used Joseph to save the world from famine?

And Elijah destroying the prophets of Baal?

What about Samson bringing down the columns and destroying all the “elite” Philistines?

And Deborah, Yael, Joshua, and Gideon?

These Biblical accounts are not just ancient history. They are happening all around us! Different names. Different locations. But each story is being fulfilled in our day as we wage this great Battle of Armageddon!

Our victory is sure.

There is no reason to fear.

The only thing we must do is redouble our efforts and charge into the battle just as our forefathers did. The Millennial Reign of Christ on earth, where the meek will inherit the earth, is just over that next hill. Come with me on a journey through the Old Testament, as we look at the current events in the light of God’s Word. I hope you enjoy this book and the LORD uses it to encourage and embolden you as never before.