#017 07-20-24 End Times Group Study #17 144,000 & 2 Harvests The Tribes of Israel, mark of the beast, harvest
07-16-24 Inside Job Proof, Trump’s Shoes, SS Head, Biblical Iranian Plot, sloped roof, Cheatle, Secret Service, Full Armor, Ephesians 6:11
07-14-24 Shot Heard Round the World – Trump Survives Assassination Assassination Attempt, Palms 20:6-9. Biden phone call, Secret Service, Kim Clements
07-07-24 Panic in DC! Trip to Tara, Stone, Ring, & Culloden Biden, Stephanopoulos, Zechariah 12, Melly’s Ireland Trip
06-30-24 3 HOT FAQS – Bible Altered? Rapture? Gog & Magog? Nebuchnezzar, Star signs, Statue, Daniel 2, Rapture, NWO, Defeat of Satan
#015 06-28-24 End Times Group Study #15 Sign of the Son of Man Star signs, mourning, Son of man, destruction of the beast, woman in labor, wrath
06-25-24 Trump’s 3 Victories, Plus Adrenochrome & AntiChrist Transgender, Next Step Act, Tariffs, Treasury.gov